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From Drab to Fab: How to Transform Your Bathroom and Walk-In Closet

Written by Maricela Maldonado


Posted on August 17 2023

When it comes to decorating our homes, we often focus on the living room, kitchen, and bedrooms. But what about the bathroom and walk-in closet? These are two spaces that we use every day, and they deserve to be just as stylish and inviting as the rest of our homes.

It's easy to forget about decorating our restrooms and walk-in closets. After all, they're not the first places we think of when we want to relax and unwind. But taking the time to decorate these spaces can make a big difference in our overall happiness and well-being.

When decorating your bathroom and walk-in closet, it's important to put attention to the details. This means choosing the right colors, finishes, and accessories. It also means creating a space that is functional and organized.

Here are a few tips that might help you improve the ambience of these spaces:

  • Choose colors that make you feel happy and relaxed.
  • Use natural materials, such as wood and stone, to create a warm and inviting atmosphere.
  • Add pops of color with accessories, such as towels, rugs, and artwork.
  • Make sure the space is functional and organized. This means having enough storage space for all of your belongings.
  • Use mirrors to make your space look bigger. Mirrors are a great way to reflect light and make your space look larger. More than 1? Sure! They are always a great option
  • Add plants to add life and color to your space. Plants are a great way to add a touch of nature to your bathroom or walk-in closet. They can also help to purify the air and improve the overall mood of the space.
  • Don't be afraid to mix and match. There's no need to stick to one style or color scheme. Mix and match different pieces to create a unique space that reflects your personality.

Here are a few more specific suggestions for decorating your bathroom and walk-in closet:

  • In the bathroom, add some personality with framed photos, or add decorative items that you love.
  • In the walk-in closet, you can create a more organized space by using built-in shelves and drawers. You can also add some style with a chandelier, candles or a rug.

Don't be afraid to get creative when decorating your bathroom and walk-in closet. These are two spaces where you can really express your personal style. So have fun with it and make them spaces that you love to spend time in.

Here are a few things you can add to your bathroom or walk-in closet:

The most important thing is to make your bathroom and walk-in closet spaces that you enjoy spending time in. So put some thought into the design and don't be afraid to have fun with it.

We would like to know you better! Share with us on instagram or FB how does your spaces look and what improvements have you done!